Kindergarden Work
We talked about Sunflowers and I introduced to them Vincent vanGogh and read the book Cammille and the Sunflower. Students colored in the center of 5 to 6 circles I had traced for them with yellow and orange crayons. Next they made triangle leaves around the flowers with green crayons. After they were done with the crayon work, I gave them red and yellow paint and a fork to paint the orange petals of the Sunflower.
The next Art Project we did was from the book The Kissing Hand. Students were able to trace their own hand and cut out a heart.
For our third Art Project Kindergardeners listened to Mozart and did circles like the artist Kandinsky. Enjoy!
1st Grade
The first week of school students were reintroduced to Vincent vanGogh and we used chalk pastels to create our own interpretative drawing of the famous Sunflowers in Vase painting.
For Constitution Day students created their own Statue of Liberty portrait. The images were done on blue paper with green and white crayons.
Second Grade
In Second Grade Art class I read the book Thirteen Moons on the Back of Turtle. Students learned that the center oval on the back of a turtle is split up into 13 sections for the 13 full moons of the year and that the outside oval has 28 sections that corresponds to the 28 days between every full moon. Each moon has its own story. Each student created their own turtle calendar. They will make turtle rattles in February.
Third Grade
The 3rd Grade students learn a lot about the State of Michigan and the first Art Project we did involved a native Michigan and native American artist as well as native Michigan animals. The Artist I choose to introduce to my students is Lois Beardslee. I saw her work in the Traverse City. Her are a few of her pieces I photographed.
Here is the work the 3rd Grade students made.
Constitution Day for the 3rd Graders required them to write what we have as Americans across their portraits of the Statue of Liberty. Below is a sample.
4th Grade
The students in 4th Grade will be studying about The Watery Earth. Students created thier own Japanese Koi paintings.
The 4th Graders have also started an Art Project inspired by the Tinga Tinga art of Africa. The artist Sarange who does Tinga Tinga as well as Masai made some incredible drawings and the students used his inspiring designs to create their own family portrait.
5th Grade
The 5th Grade class learned about another native Michigan artist Gwen Frostic. They made prints of native Michigan animals. Here are a few samples of their work.
The next Art Project is creating their own Robot Insect's inspired by Mike Libby's work. Here are the initial sketches.